Macon County Mental Health Task Force Minutes – 02/15/08 Members present: Ronnie Beale, Jim Bruckner, Robert Holland, Jane Kimsey, Paula Ledford, Kathy McGaha, Mike Neidig, Don Sandoval and Andy Shields Welcome and Introductions: Ronnie Beale welcomed everyone to today’s meeting and asked everyone to introduce themselves. Mr. Beale welcomed Judy Kuehn, with Smoky Mountain Center, and asked her to give a brief description of her job duties. Mr. Beale also welcomed Colin McCandless, Marla Dalrymple and Christy Raby to today’s meeting and thanked them for attending. Approval of minutes: Jane Kimsey made a motion to approve the minutes with one correction. Mike Neidig 2nd the motion, with a unanimous vote for approval. Action Items: Mike Neidig presented a rough draft of a preamble for the task force members to review. Ronnie Beale asked Jim Bruckner and Jane Kimsey to take Mr. Neidig’s recommendations and come up with a Mission Statement that covers this task force and service to citizens of Macon County. Mr. Beale stated this Mission Statement would a focus and foundation for the task force. Ronnie Beale informed the task force members about a website - Mr. Beale asked the task force members to check out the website, especially the section titled Solutions. Paula Ledford passed out a handout for the task force members to review. Ms. Ledford briefly explained the information and statistics included in it. Ms. Ledford explained the positions of Early Intervention Counselor and Student Service Coordinator. Ms. Ledford also described the FOCUS Classrooms, Union Academy and English as a Second Language Population. Ronnie Beale asked the task force members how many got to attend the Providers Fair sponsored by Smoky Mountain Center on February 8th. Mr. Beale asked them to briefly state their observations and/or opinions of this event. Kathy McGaha stated that most of the providers were not based in Macon County. Jim Bruckner said that most of the providers were specialized in services. Ms. Kimsey said two employees from her department had attended the fair and had collected information from each provider and organized it in a file folder. The task force members agreed that the provider fair was informative and they wished more people had attended. Ronnie Beale next discussed setting up a meeting with the Providers. The task force members agreed on the date of March 14th from 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM. The location is to be determined and will be announced later. Lunch will be provided. Mr. Beale asked Ms. Kuehn to obtain a Provider List from Smoky Mountain Center. Ms. Kuehn said she could provide a list by next Tuesday. Mr. Beale asked Mr. Neidig to review the list. Rhonda Blanton will send out invitations to the Providers on the list and include an RSVP. Jane Kimsey passed out a draft letter to Smoky Mountain Center. Ms. Kimsey asked the task force members to review this draft letter and make suggestions or changes. The task force members made several suggestions/changes. Ms. Kimsey said she would redo the draft letter incorporating the suggestions/changes and send the letter to Tom McDevitt within the next week. Ronnie Beale also asked the task force members to consider a date for a meeting with Consumers. The tentative date of April 4th was suggested, with the task force members to reconsider this date after the meeting with the Providers. The task force members also discussed about adding a member from Smoky Mountain Center to the task force. Mr. Beale asked to first complete the meeting with the Providers with a follow-up group discussion during the meeting being held on March 14th. A representative from Smoky Mountain Center could be asked to attend the following meeting, March 28th, as a task force member. The letter being sent to SMC will request Tom McDevitt to recommend who he wants to represent SMC and Mr. Beale will have this representative appointed to the task force. The next meeting will be held on Friday, February 29th. The meeting will start at 8:00 AM in Meeting Rooms A/B at the Health and Human Services Building. Minutes recorded by Rhonda Blanton